Year: 2013

  • The revolution will be published via Trans-Media

    The revolution will be published via Trans-Media

    So I have to give a huge shoutout to Lewaine over at Lewaine Publishing.

    She truly is a trans-media publishing specialist.  If you need expert help and guidance with Web Comics or any other aspect of hosting your own comic site, she is the go-to connection.

    I wouldn’t have this project off the ground without her technical and creative expertise.

    You want your own webcomic?

    Give her a shout.

    You won’t regret it!

  • Sounds of the Cosmos!

    Sounds of the Cosmos!

    So if you check out the sidebar, you see the Radio Cosmos.  This is the sound of me working on Suzi.

    Music is a huge part of my creative process.
    I am a very seat of the pants kind of storyteller with Suzi.
    I have an outline of where I want the story to go, and where and when the key events should happen, but I let the “in betweens” just flow organically as I am laying out the page.  I find if I get stuck, I can just sit back and close my eyes, and let the music be the soundtrack to the story.
    I think, ‘if this was a movie, what would be happening right now that would match the music’ and viola, most of the time the scene just lays itself out.

    Do you have a special chill groove that just lets you escape from this world and into someplace special?
    Leave a comment and share the tunes then!  Who knows, you just might hear it on Radio Cosmos!

  • Blastoff!


    And here we go, the first post on!

    March is the month it begins.

    The countdown is on, boys and girls, and I hope you are all here for the fantastic official launch!