Sunday Science

sunday science

As we resume our Sunday Science column, I’m excited to share this next link with you. We are finally able to detect gravity waves. Why is this a big deal? […]


What a great day for the ESA team!  A huge congratulations to all involved, and to those who will analyze the data that Philae sends back to Earth.

sunday science

Fractals are amazing. That something so simple can be so complex. I started using fractals in my art about a decade ago. As I have been working on Suzi, the […]

sunday science

The good people over at BuzzFeedPop put together a funny video that shows some of the literary license films take with science. You probably know most of these already, but […]

sunday science

All too often we are seeing stories about how schools are taking their inane zero tolerance policies to the degree that is ridiculous. Case in point, Kiera Wilmot was arrested […]

sunday science

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has called for a press conference to say that it has some big news.  Many in the science community are speculating that the information could […]