March 2016


I just wrapped up Jessica Jones on Netflix, and I liked it.  I never really followed many street level heroes as a kid, mainly sticking to Fantastic Four and Avengers. […]

Belgium flag

Brussels, we stand with you. Tyranny and oppression are the tools of the cowards who fear the future and what it holds for mankind. Today we stand with the people […]


Thanks to the amazing Lewaine, we now have a gallery of all the Suzi art I work with, as well as desktop and mobile wallpapers.  I am working on a […]


Then give us a like on Facebook, and a +1 on GPlus!  You’re missing out on cool new art and news that is exclusive!  I’m also looking for fan art […]


I love talking about music, especially when it comes to the 80’s inspired style of Retrowave. I’d never heard of this genre until I stumbled across the NewRetroWave channel on […]


Sylvia Anderson, pioneer of puppetry and a trailblazer for women in entertainment, has passed on.  She leaves behind a legacy that will outlast many of you reading this today.  With […]

Comics! Deep Dive Daredevils

This weekly webcomic has become one of my favorites.  The writing is fresh, fun and top notch and the art really captures that pulp adventure feel.  This is a fun […]


I’ve been a huge “retro wave” for the past couple of years now.  Loved it in the 80’s, and now it’s back with a vengeance!  Down in the sidebar, you […]


When I was young, my Dad had a bluegrass radio show in Dallas, and so every Saturday afternoon, my little brother and I would load up the family station wagon […]