Character: Dr. Zee

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    And I’m back. Man, it was a crazy run there thru the summer, between work and a couple of other projects needing more attention than was projected. Anyhoo, I am back on Suzi for the rest of the summer and fall, so let’s get this crazy ride back on the road!

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    Wow, the year is flying by. I’ve been working on 2D animation in my spare time. Much more fun, in a way, than the 3D Suzi work I have been doing.

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    We are still climbing the list, so thank you for your votes.  I know you could choose any sci-fi adventure comic, so thanks for choosing Suzi.  Wait, what?  Hey, choose ALL the sci-fi adventure comics!  And speaking of comics, I have been reading a ton of silver age comics and writing reviews over at  Just sayin….

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    Sorry for the late drop, but here we are!

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    This would normally be the last page of the book, but I am extending Issue 3 to 32 pages. We are seeing Suzi shift from reaction to action, and it’s going to be fun!

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    This issue is going to run 32 pages instead of the usual 28 I normally target. I am also getting Issue 2 rebuilt (I lost a few pages of the original files when I upgraded the hard drives on this machine). I am shooting for a special holiday edition comic that has issues 1-3, along with the first chapter of the Suzi novel. I am also going to throw in the long awaited decoder wheel and some games and pinups. The Super Size Suzi Spectacular #1 will be on sale in time for the holidays. Fun times are here!

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    I am getting back into playing more games, and so I am giving Neverwinter Nights a closer look.  What games do you guys like?  My kids are trying to get me into League of Legends, but I have been dragging my feet.  Any thoughts for a n00b?

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    I am ramping up for a twice a week update schedule. We have 7 more pages in Issue 3, then on to Issue 4. Instead of taking a break between issues, I am going to try to finish Issue 4 by the end of the year. I want the entire 10 issue story to end in Dec 2015. An aggressive, but not impossible goal.