
I’ve been slammed with work, and had a last second commission job come in that I just couldn’t turn down.  The good thing is that this job will help us […]


Suzi turns 2 today.  It’s hard to believe we are already on issue 4!  We have come such a long way.  When Suzi was first created, she was a digital […]

This is a quick test of the ship’s computer screens.  You can see where I have set all the screens to a magenta color to help me replace them in […]


Here is our first look at the mysterious Flesh Forge!  What secrets have been uncovered, perhaps secrets that should have stayed long buried from the eyes of man!  🙂


I got to playing the F2P TCG Infinity Wars.  I was a huge MtG guy way back when, but when I saw the expansions as a bottomless money pit, I […]


I kicked 2015 off with a much needed overhaul of the site.  There are a few links that still need wiring up, but I wanted to start 2015 on the […]