Happy 2nd Birthday!

Suzi turns 2 today.  It’s hard to believe we are already on issue 4!  We have come such a long way.  When Suzi was first created, she was a digital doodle, a cutout for testing lighting and style. She has grown into so much more, a fully realized character.  It’s been a wild ride so far, but the best is yet to come!  Thanks so much for stopping by!



      1. Yeah, that was her back before she had a name and was just a random test figure. The wife challenged me to complete a project, so I picked that figure and over time, that is how she morphed into the Suzi we have today.


        1. “the wife”? who? your wife?.


          1. Ah yes, sorry I was unclear on that. My wife handles the lettering and publishing of the comic. 🙂

          2. good deal! say ‘hello’ to your wife from me.

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